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《中国传统造物之美》是通识教育选修课程;适用全校各专业。本课程立足于培养德智体美劳全面发展的新时代教育的大背景,通过赏析中国传统造物典型案例,了解中国传统造物中 “人与天调”的造物精神,“器以载道”的造物观念 ,“道法自然”的造物方法,从而掌握中国传统造物智慧的现代转译,重点引领学生思考中国传统造物智慧和未来设计的关联。

Aesthetics in Chinese Traditional Creation is a general education elective course, applicable to all majors in the university. In the context of all-around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education in the new era, based on typical cases, this course aims at helping students understand the creation concepts of “harmony of human with nature”, “artifacts for conveying truth” and the creation method “Tao follows nature”, so as to master the modern conversion of Chinese traditional creation wisdom, and focuses on arousing students’ thinking about the relationship between Chinese traditional creation wisdom and future design.

